ufo trucos y mentiras

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Master Gurú
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »






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Master Gurú
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Registrado: Vie May 16, 2008 10:09 am

Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »

Un ovni digital:

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Master Gurú
Master Gurú
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »

mas OVNIs digitales:

La pagina del creador de las animaciones:

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Master Gurú
Master Gurú
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »

OVNIs creados de manera artesanal (OVNIs-globos):

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Master Gurú
Master Gurú
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »

Mas ovnis artesanales

Fabrique su propio OVNI

Otros ovnis

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Master Gurú
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por rcb64 »

Muy ineresantes videos, me sorprende que sólo con el calor del sol puedan flotar, ya no se necesita calentar con fuego el aire interior y además lo lejos que pueden llegar!
"Existen dos maneras de asombrarse, descubriendo cómo funcionan las cosas, o....
aceptarlas como un misterio. ¿tú cual eliges?"
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por Roberto »

rcb64 escribió:Bueno, más que un bote de basura su origen es la tapa un contenedor de productos industriales.

Aunque, es un buen descubrimiento.
"Todo aquel que crea en la telequinesis, que por favor levante mi mano.– James Randi."
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Master Gurú
Master Gurú
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Registrado: Mié Mar 07, 2007 10:00 pm
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Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por rcb64 »

Roberto escribió:
rcb64 escribió:Bueno, más que un bote de basura su origen es la tapa un contenedor de productos industriales.

Aunque, es un buen descubrimiento.
Por más que leía y releía no le encontraba el sentido hasta que revisé mi post, tienes razón Roberto, no aclaré "la tapa"

"Existen dos maneras de asombrarse, descubriendo cómo funcionan las cosas, o....
aceptarlas como un misterio. ¿tú cual eliges?"
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Master Gurú
Master Gurú
Mensajes: 1223
Registrado: Vie May 16, 2008 10:09 am

Re: ufo trucos y mentiras

Mensaje por TruthSeeker »

Es sorprendente la variedad de formas en que se pueden crear falsos OVNIs. Por ejemplo, el investigador de OVNIs Philip Klass, menciona como un especialista en radares fabrico "OVNIs" de radar. Citamos:

Some years ago, after an interview with an official of a major avionics company for an article on electronic warfare that I would write for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, he said he had read one of my UFO books and commented: "I used to create radar-UFOs when I was in the Air Force." When I sought an explanation, he insisted on anonymity both for himself and his company, and I agreed. Mr. "X" explained that in his younger years he had been a radar technician/maintenance man in the USAF, assigned to air defense centers. Sometimes he would be assigned to the "graveyard shift," from 11 p.m. until 7 a.m., when there was scant civil or military air traffic to keep the radar operators occupied.

"The operators would be practically falling asleep in their chairs. If I had nothing better to do, I would slip into the room where the radar receiver and transmitter were located and incorrectly set the gain control of the MTI [moving target indicator]. This would generate spurious targets and send them zipping across several radar displays. When I returned to the operations room, it had come alive and operators were screaming about high-speed UFOs. I'd offer to check the radar and would then reset the MTI. Then when I returned I would report that I had checked and the radar seemed to be functioning properly. The next morning when the day-shift radar technician came in, he also would check the radar and report that it seemed to be OK." I was so amused by Mr. "X's" account that I forgot to ask him how many times he had created such "radar UFOs."